
Breast Implant Removal

Treatment in Dubai

Reclaim your natural beauty with our Breast Implant Removal Treatment in Dubai. Experience personalized care, enhanced comfort, and a confident new beginning.

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What is Breast Implant Removal?
Breast Implant Removal surgery involves the extraction of breast implants from the breast pockets. This procedure can be performed alone or in conjunction with breast lift techniques to reshape the natural breast tissue and ensure an aesthetically pleasing appearance. Women may choose Breast Implant Removal for medical reasons, such as implant rupture or capsular contracture, or for personal reasons like changing body ideals or discomfort.
What are the indications for Breast Removal Surgery?
Breast implant removal surgery, often referred to simply as breast removal surgery when discussing the context of implants, may be indicated for a variety of reasons. Here are some common indications:  
  • Capsular Contracture: This occurs when the scar tissue that naturally forms around the implant tightens and squeezes the implant, causing pain and discomfort. It might also distort the appearance of the breast.
  • Implant Rupture or Leakage: Saline implants deflate when they rupture, and the saline will be absorbed by the body. Silicone implant ruptures might not be as obvious but can lead to local inflammation or changes in the contour or consistency of the breast.
  • Cosmetic Concerns: Some patients may be dissatisfied with the size, shape, or symmetry of their implants and opt for removal, possibly with replacement or revision.
  • Breast Pain: Persistent pain associated with the implants is another reason for removal.
  • Infection and Other Complications: Although rare, infection around an implant or other complications such as seroma (fluid accumulation) or hematoma can necessitate removal.
  • BIA-ALCL Diagnosis: Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is a rare type of T-cell lymphoma that can develop around breast implants. Removal of the implant and the capsule around it is crucial for treatment.
  • Change in Lifestyle or Personal Preference: Some women may choose to remove their implants as their lifestyle changes, or they might simply prefer their natural breast tissue without implants.
  • Aging Implants: While breast implants do not have an expiration date, they are not considered lifetime devices. Many are removed or replaced due to complications or changes in the breast tissue over time.
  Each case for breast implant removal is unique, and the decision to undergo surgery should be discussed with a qualified plastic surgeon who can provide personalized advice based on the individual’s health, cosmetic desires, and the condition of the implants.
What are the Risks / Benefits of Breast Removal Surgery?
Benefits of Breast Implant Removal Surgery:  
  • Pain Relief: Alleviates discomfort from heavy or improperly positioned implants.
  • Improved Health: Resolves complications like capsular contracture or implant rupture.
  • Aesthetic Satisfaction: Adjusts or restores the natural appearance of breasts.
  • Enhanced Physical Activity: Reduces barriers to exercise and physical comfort.
  • Psychological Comfort: Addresses concerns about aging implants or changes in body image preference.
  Risks of Breast Implant Removal Surgery:  
  • Surgical Risks: Includes infection, bleeding, and reactions to anesthesia.
  • Cosmetic Issues: Potential for unsatisfactory aesthetic outcomes, including sagging skin or asymmetry.
  • Scarring: Although typically minimal, scars may be noticeable depending on the incision site and healing.
  • Changes in Sensation: Possible temporary or permanent changes in breast or nipple sensation.
  • Need for Further Surgery: Additional procedures may be necessary to achieve desired results, such as a breast lift.
Why Choose Newsense Clinic for Your Breast Implant Removal in Dubai?
Choosing Newsense Clinic means opting for excellence in care and expertise in cosmetic surgery. Our state-of-the-art facilities, combined with a team of highly skilled surgeons who specialize in Breast Implant Removal Treatment in Dubai, ensure that you receive the best possible outcomes. We understand the physical and emotional considerations involved in such a decision and provide compassionate support throughout your journey to recovery.   Ready to take the next step towards comfort and confidence? Contact Newsense Clinic today to schedule your consultation for Breast Implant Removal in Dubai. Let us help you embrace your beauty, naturally.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I need my breast implants removed?
Consultation with a surgeon is necessary to evaluate symptoms like pain, implant malposition, rupture, or personal preference changes.
What happens to the breast shape after implant removal?
The breasts might appear deflated or saggy post-removal, especially if large implants were removed or if the implants were in place for many years. A breast lift or other corrective surgeries might be necessary to restore a more youthful breast contour.
Are there any long-term health issues associated with not removing problematic breast implants?
Yes, leaving problematic implants in place can lead to complications such as infection, chronic pain, or even more severe conditions like BIA-ALCL (a rare form of lymphoma associated with breast implants).
Will I have scars after breast implant removal surgery?
Yes, but the surgeon often uses the same incision sites used for the implant insertion to minimize additional scarring.
Can breast implants be replaced with new ones at the same time they are removed?
Yes, implants can be replaced during the same surgery, depending on the patient’s health, reasons for removal, and aesthetic goals.

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